

One of the most stressful things about quarantine, among others, has been keeping the kids entertained. Being quarantined with kids has required us to get really creative with our planning and organizing to accomplish our day-day tasks. I have found that the best source of distraction and entertainment has been to keep the kids preoccupied with a task, mainly any kind of arts and crafts project. For this reason, we were very fortunate to have partnered with Chalkola! Chalkola is a company that caters to all things art related. They have fun art supplies for kids, parents, creatives and businesses! They sent us this chalkboard and chalk-marker set that we instantly fell in love with!

When quarantine started, we were trying to find fun ways to keep Asher interested in learning and keeping up with his school work. One of the ways we have found that keeps his interest has been to ask him to teach Elianna the things he knows, that way it will stay fresh in his mind. He has been helping to teach Ellie her colors, numbers and alphabet. This chalkboard was perfect for that! The chalk-markers are mess-free and the chalkboard is super easy to clean. Cleaning the board is actually Ellie’s favorite part of it all haha, it’s the simple things I guess.

If you haven’t already, check out for all of your art supply needs! They have so many other really fun art supplies like washable dot markers for kids, tons of fun water colors and paint, among other things! This would also make a really great gift for the creative in your life! My sister-in-law is really amazing with her art, as well as my sister… actually come to think of it, pretty much everyone around me EXCEPT ME are actually really creative lol. Well, now that I have these supplies (and time on my hands since we are still in quarantine), I literally have no excuse to not pick up a new skill!

Use the code CLAIRELISE10  to get 10% off your purchase on Chalkola. Also, tag @Chalkola and myself (@claireliseee) on Instagram, we would LOVE to see the amazing art you create!