Natural Hair Must Haves

“When in doubt, twist it out!”. I can’t remember where I saw that quote, but I thought it was pretty funny haha. I did a twistout on my hair a few weeks ago and actually snapped some pics. Twist-out’s are always my go-to on wash day. I thought i’d share some of the products I used to achieve this look! I have also added a natural hair checklist for fun, Hope it helps my fellow naturals.
Natural Hair Checklist :
Shampoo // Conditioner // Spray Bottle // Styling Comb Set Variety Pack // Edge Control // Edge Brush * (not listed) // Oils // Bonnet (silk/satin) // Hair Dryer Cap // Eco Styler Gel // Moisturizer //
Products Used In Twist Out Shown Above:
Aloe Vera Juice // Almond Oil // TGIN Twisting Butter // Satin Cap
For my twist out, these are pretty much always the products that I use! I always use Lotto Body’s shampoo and conditioner, it has been my go to for well over a year now. The shampoo has the best lather and leaves my hair feeling so fluffy and clarified! The conditioner does a really great job at moisturizing my hair and makes it really easy to detangle my 4c texture.
After I have washed and conditioned my hair, I divide it into about 6 sections (3 on each side). If my hair starts to dry up a bit then I spray the area with aloe vera juice. Then I apply my oil of choice (usually almond oil on the shaft of my hair and caster oil on my edges). Then I will apply the TGIN twisting butter. I love the TGIN brand so much cause it always leave my hair feeling SO moisturized, thick, soft and fluffy!
It really is that simple. I like to experiment with other products but always find myself coming back to these! When my twist-out is all done I just throw on a satin cap to preserve it for the next day before I unravel the twist!
Hope that was helpful <3