Claire-Lise WrightComment

Our New Normal

Claire-Lise WrightComment
Our New Normal

So much news to share, but where to even start! I wanted to spend more time this year blogging instead of just posting to Instagram. I hate that I have neglected my lil blog so much! There has just been so much that has happened in 2020. We have been stuck in the craziest pandemic EVER, thanks for Covid-19. We have been quarantining at home for the past year (well, since March 2020 anyways, so almost a year!). We have transitioned so much about our way of life. Our kids have been pulled out of daycare and have been staying with us while Stephen and I have been working from home. That alone has not been easy, for obvious reasons. We both have such demanding jobs, Stephen being a Senior Level Electrical Engineer at Keurig and me being a Scientist at Pfizer. We have tried to make this as normal/fun as possible for the kids. It has been so incredibly nice to have them stay home with us this year though. Despite all the chaos of the pandemic I will always remember this as the year that time stood still. When the kids go back to school and things pick back up, I think it will be an even bigger adjustment. We have really gotten into the swing of things, in some ways. We still have trouble on some days with executing all of our plans smoothly, not to mention meetings. Sometimes we are able to pull it off with just switching back and fourth, I’ll stay with the kids while Stephen is in a meeting or vice versa. Some days it just doesn’t work out that way and we just have the kids around during meetings which is HARD. 

When we pulled the kids out of school I had big plans on homeschooling them.. while working full time and maintaining this house and everything else on my list. That became SO overwhelming. I felt like I was constantly falling short in at least one area of my life, which led to major mom guilt. A few months ago I made one of the best decisions I could have made for my mental health. I decided to outsource work! We decided to get the kids a tutor that would come to the house so that Asher would not be behind when he started kindergarten. We recently started Ellie as well with the tutoring since she will be in preschool in the Fall! This has been such a huge weight lifted off my shoulder! I have also had someone come to clean our house a few times a month, used grocery delivery services and the food delivery service “Uber Eats” to also help make my task load a little lighter! Honestly the best decision I have made! 

Anyways, my major news to share on here is that we are PREGNANT!!! Baby #3! Still can’t even believe it, so incredible excited! This has been the scariest, most eventful pregnancy yet! I’ve gone to the ER more times than I’d even like to admit, so many doctors visits, but the scariest part was my surgery (which I will save for a whole other post).  

I have so much to share. Trying not to be too vague, but at the same time I feel like all of chaos needs to be in a series of other separate posts since this one is already getting to be so long!  

So… to be continued!