Respect Your Mother.

This has to be one of my favorite sets of photos with Asher because I feel like it truly captures our personalities! He is literally always smiling and laughing and being totally goofy! When he is really excited or if something makes him happy he will start to clap. Asher clapping just never gets old to me, it always makes me smile ear to ear because he will be so proud of himself when doing so. I can't wait until he is older and trying to sass me so I can make him humble himself by reminding him that I taught him how to clap his hands and use a spoon! Respect your mama!!! We take for granted all of the small things that our parents do for us.
You can't totally tell but his shirt says "Respect Your Mother" and it has a picture of planet Earth at the center. I love this shirt for so many reasons. I'm all about taking care of our environment and I love the play on words since i'm a mother now (call me bias lol).
Asher is officially 9 months old! I can't believe how fast time goes by! Babies are such an interesting way to measure time. It hasn't been a year yet but the time has been escaping us! I have loved every single second of these past 9 months. I read a quote not too long ago and although Asher isn't even 1 yet I am finally understanding what it meant. The quote reads "The days are long but the years are short." Man oh man is it starting to make sense, I can just imagine how quickly the time will pass since these 9 months have come by in warp speed!
Instead of a yearly daylight saving, can we just switch it for a pause button?
Who's with me!?