Officially A Working Mom!

Officially A Working Mom!

I have survived my first couple of weeks back at work!! I am officially a working mom, oh man! I have to admit it was a truly …. Interesting first week back! The week started off with Asher teething! Now, I have to say that Asher is a great sleeper. I’ve mentioned in a previous post that he sleeps about 10-12 hours at night and will nap for about 3-4 hours (straight) during the day. Literally the best baby ever, ok. Well of course the night before I start work he is up until 3am fussy and feverish because he had.. get this, TWO teeth coming in! This was just my luck. He was so uncomfortable, poor little lamb. We stayed in the living room and turned the night into a slumber party and watched Elmo for the rest of the night. I was up every hour checking on him when he finally fell asleep. I just ended up starting the day around 5:30am. I started getting myself ready while Asher was still asleep. Then I dropped him off to my dad around 6:30am and went back home so I could make Stephen breakfast.

On Sunday I decided to meal prep so I wouldn’t be stressed about that for the week, and like a total newbie I made 5 lunches for Stephen and no real set dinners. I made him an awesome acai bowl and packed his lunch up to go. He asked me if he could start my car on his way out but I was like “nah, I’m all set” since I had already gone out when I dropped Asher off.  Anyways he leaves and I finish packing up my things for work and I’m ready to leave the house. All of a sudden I realize MY KEYS ARE GONE! So naturally I panic, turn the house upside down and then call Stephen. It turns out he took my keys when he asked me to start my car and forgot to put them back. So here I am seconds away from hyperventilating but he keeps his cool and just turns back around, drops my keys off and I’m off to start the week!

 I head over to Dunkin Donuts to get my small iced caramel swirl, 2 creams & 2 sugars, except of course since my day was destined to be funky THEY WERE OUT OF CARAMEL! So I’m like .. ok. It’s ok.  I’m staying positive, I’m thinking it’s probably better, it will still taste good.. WRONG! It was the nastiest coffee ever! I am not sure if it was because the caramel was missing or they just completely messed up my order.  I finally get to work and I am on time despite the universe trying to fuck shit up (pardon my French).

 It ended up being a really awesome first day back, I was so happy to see my old coworkers and to just set up my cute little work space.  When I got to work there was a batch of the yummiest cupcakes in our office, it was a great day. My dad sent me messages and pictures and videos of Asher having fun with his cousin, Lincoln, all day long and it made me feel so much better. Asher ate really well for him and slept 4 hours so I was one happy mama!

Tuesday was a much better day, I felt more prepared for it but since life wanted to make it more memorable for me of course it also didn’t go as planned. I forgot that my hubs wasn’t going to be home until late because he had class until 9pm! His day started at 5am when he went to the gym, ate his acai bowl and had to rush out of the house to get to work. After work he went straight to class and then FINALLY home. It was a super long day. I should mention that I used one of his lunches that I made him over the weekend and packed two of them for him so he wouldn’t miss out on dinner which means that I was short a lunch, this will come bite me in the butt later on in the week.

Wednesday went by, no problem.. I’m thinking I have life totally under control. I have to say that as the week went by, my coffee’s got bigger and bigger! Started with a small on Monday and graduated to a large by Wednesday lol. I also had 37 text messages that were unread.

Thursday my tv shows came back on (HTGAWM and Scandal)… I was SO tired that I bailed and just decided to hang with the fam and call it an early night. Asher went to sleep that night at 6pm and woke up at 4:00am so we all just decided to start the day. We watched Elmo and I took a nice long shower and we had breakfast together, then went our merry way to work.. YEAH RIGHT. I’m totally kidding haha. I did take a shower and was like” hmmm, I feel like I am forgetting something”. Right as I am done showering  I realize that I never made Stephen another lunch after I used it for his dinner on Tuesday! I used his Friday lunch as Tuesday night’s dinner! I totally spaced all week so now I am fumbling around in the dark trying to mentally plan this lunch while trying not to headbutt the dogs. I managed to make him mixed veggies, baked potato and some chicken. His acai bowl was being made while his veggies were cooking and I felt like a BOSS. Lol. It’s the little things.

Despite all the craziness, it was such a great first week back! Asher stuck to his schedule, napped and ate well. I managed to survive my first full week without my sweet baby with me. I got my hubby and baby out of the house and managed to not go to work looking like a hobo! I would have to say that my favorite part about going back to work is outfit planning. I love having a reason to get dressed up, it literally makes everything else ok, don’t judge me. I ended the week off right by going out to dinner with my cousin, Lindsey, for a MUCH NEEDED date. We had drinks and caught up on life and laughed about all the things that drive us crazy. Family support is EVERYTHING<3

This past week’s episode is titled, “The Cold”. Asher was sick OF COURSE, so Sunday night I gave up the delusion of sleep and started my day again at 4:00am. He was up all night again. I do have to say that I LOVE waking up early and starting my day early because I just get SO much done. My mom is such a morning person and literally conquers the world by 6:00am, I want to be just like that.  I have a new schedule now and I work from 7:00am-5:00pm and have Fridays off, HOW PERFECT!! I can’t wait for the summer to spend it at the beach and parks with Asher. This was one of my best weeks. It left me feeling fulfilled because I was able to do everything that needed to get done and still get to work on time.

I hope you enjoyed this (extremely long) post, I know I have been MIA for a while but I’m back!! I want to start posting more consistently now so stay tuned!

Outfit Details: 

A lot of our pieces are sold out already but I posted links to similar styles below :) ENJOY!

Mine: SWEATER: Abercrombie / TOP: Gap / JEANS: Abercrombie / SHOES: ( here, & here); NECKLACE: Forever21 / HEADBAND: ASOS / LIPSTICK:  MAC "Sin"

Asher's:  SWEATER: Gap / JEANS: Gap / SHIRT: Old Navy / SHOES: Gymboree

Stephen's: SHIRT: Gap / PANTS: Gap / SHOES: Sperry / COAT: Gap