R.I.P Einstein

R.I.P Einstein

These are some of our last family photos together hours before Einstein passed. One of the saddest parts of losing a pet is having to then explain it to the kids, which def made things feel worse. Needless to say Asher had a REALLY tough time. We looked at pictures and videos of Einstein and retold silly stories about the goofy things he used to do. We ended the night with pizza, slushes and too much candy!

The kids were in better spirits the next morning, even though it still didn’t feel real. Grateful they got to enjoy him and love him as much as we did.

I didn’t sleep much that weekend since I was monitoring Einie Friday night and took him to the Vet ER Saturday night. Everything just happened so fast. When we brought him to the ER, I guess I was still hopeful. After spending a few hours in the car waiting for an update, we ended up just going home and waited for the Vets to call. It was around 1am when they did and we had an hour to make the decision about putting him down then and there or taking him home and just making him comfortable. We decided to put him to sleep instead of prolonging his suffering. So around 2am I headed into the Vet hospital and stayed with him until he was put to rest.

My mom came to spend the day with us that Monday and I got to indulge in some much needed rest. We are still processing things and talking to the kids about him almost daily. They have been asking about a new puppy so we will see!

“Grief is the price we pay for love.” R.I.P Einstein