What To Pack In Your Pumping Bag!
1. Breast Pump : Medela Advanced Electric Double Pump
I have used this particular breast pump for both of my babies and it has worked great for us!
2. Water/Snacks
Since breastmilk is 88% water, we know it is so important to stay hydrated when you are pumping/breastfeeding ! I would also suggest snacks to keep you fueled.
3. Insulated Bags/Cooler Packs/ Mini Fridge & Fridge
These are just perfect for properly storing your milk after a pumping session when you’re on the go. I also found a mini fridge that was such a great price (this can be an option for pumping at work and keeping plugged in by your desk!)
4. Extra Pump Parts : valves , tubing , flanges , connectors
This is always a good idea to travel with as backup in case anything happens to any of the parts, like a torn membrane, since every part is crucial for the pump to work efficiently.
This has been a total GAME CHANGER! I can’t say enough good things about it. It makes multitasking possible which is ALWAYS needed when you have a baby. I recommend getting one to any/everyone!
6. Breast Pads
I feel like I am always leaking even after a good pumping session. I have found that these keep me nice and dry, otherwise my shirts are just soaked.
These are nice to have if you are pumping in your car or a public area and just need a little privacy.
Perfect for cleaning on the go if you’re just not in a place that provides you a location to properly clean your parts.
9. Wet/Dry Bag
This is to store the pumping parts after they have been washed/cleaned up.
There are some pumping sessions, like the first one in the morning, when I personally surpass the limit of the bottles so it’s just always nice to have spare bottles!