15 Things You May Not Know About Us!

I wanted to share a post about 15 things you may not know about us. I realized I have never actually done an introduction post about us! I will be sharing 5 facts about each of us in hopes to establish more of a connection with my readers. Here we go!
Claire-Lise Wright:
I am a 28 year old wife and mother of Haitian descent! Stephen & I have been together since I was 19 years old and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I truly do believe that I am a better person because of him. We have an amazing son named Asher Clark Wright & 2 crazy pups named Einstein (Pitbull) & Henrietta Lacks (Husky&Lab mix).
I am a Scientist at a major pharmaceutical company based in Massachusetts! I absolutely love love love my job. It was actually my dream job in college, I still can’t believe I’m here. There is nothing like hard work and persistence though, don’t you love it when that pays off?
In college I double majored in Chemical Engineering & Biology, and graduated with two separate Bachelor of Science degrees. I was literally in school all year long, including summers, since I was in high school. In high school I would take preparation courses for the following year every summer and when I was in college I was taking classes in the summer so I wouldn’t be behind in since I had two majors. Within the next few years I will be done with my Masters in Biotechnology (focusing on Drug Formulation & Process Development)! I love all things math and science. I fell in love with math in middle school and by the time I was in high school it was my favorite subject. I remember loving it even more when I was a freshmen in high school because of the teacher I had & always competing with my friends for the highest score haha.
Speaking of high school, that was where I met Stephen! The absolute LOVEEEE of my life! Freshmen year I had the biggest crush on him, I didn’t know how to break the ice so I made up a ridiculous story about having a pet gorilla (his name was Mighty Joe Young, maybe you’ve heard of him?) HAHAHA. That’s how I know he’s my soulmate, he totally played into it and it became one of our jokes until this day. I didn’t admit to it being totally made up until we were seniors in high school! Whenever he would come up to me to get me to confess I would always add more and more detail to this ridiculous story haha. I love him for playing along. We were best friends ever since. We would randomly meet up at parties and I swore he was my guardian angel haha. By the time we were seniors in high school we would talk on the phone ALL THE TIME!! All of my best high school memories have him in them. We also went to college together. Since we were both engineering students we would study together EVERY single weekend, without fail (and we would also compete for grades lol). By sophomore year of college we finally started dating and it’s my favorite love story <3
Aside from blogging, my favorite hobby is photography. I absolutely love taking pictures of everything, but Asher is my muse <3 I would say that my second is my love for all things fashion. I have recently been struggling with this new transition I realized I have made into minimalist fashion. I would say it wasn’t even by choice, it just sort of happened one day. It is also hard to style most things for work because I am very limited in my shoe choices, I work in a lab so my shoes need to be covering my feet completely, close toe, closed back & sides. It’s just hard to style that sometimes… not to mention that motherhood always has me pressed for time so neutrals have become my best friend… but that’s a story for a whole other post!!
Stephen Clark Wright:
(I should preface this by saying that it was really hard to think of just 5 ways to describe Stephen because he is the most dynamic person I have ever met, but I will give it a try! Haha)
There is this quote that reads “ if you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.”, all I can say is that I don’t know if there is a room out there for this man. He is the smartest person everywhere he goes. He knows something about everything, and it always blows my mind. Aside from being super charming and absolutely hilarious, one of the things that stand out most about him is just how knowledgeable he is.
He is an Electrical Engineer who can literally do absolutely ANYTHING he sets his mind to, it’s truly incredible to witness.
He is the kind of person who you should not push into doing anything because when he is ready to do something, he dives in head first and is so fully committed. I learned this about him a few years ago and that has been one thing that has really changed the dynamic of our relationship. He is resistant to change, it’s one of his biggest fears lol but once he is ready, he can conquer absolutely anything.
He is the biggest movie fanatic, EVER! He loves situational quotes (never knew that was a thing.. maybe it still isn’t lol). He is so hilarious about it too, whenever the right situation comes along he just responds to it by quoting a line from a movie. After seeing a movie just one time he can quote it. Honestly I thought he was crazy when we first started dating because I never knew what he was talking about, needless to say, he made me catch up to speed. Anyways, when we first started being friends and I brought up Mighty Joe Young he just let his imagination take off. He knew it was ridiculous but he just has such an amazing imagination and sense of wonderment that he just couldn’t have turned away the possibility of me actually having this tale.
He is super neat and organized and has a strange obsession with numbers haha. He is super meticulous and can learn new things so quickly and it’s literally only a matter of time before he masters it. I had a hard time learning things about photography and photoshop (I’m talking months) and I asked him to helped me and within a friggen WEEK he was a pro ???!! He was just blowing my mind trying to teach me haha. He is also an AMAZING video editor and is so passionate about it (not to mention super talented.
BONUS* He is such a supportive, loving, loyal and friendly guy. He is SUPER goofy and has the best sense of humor ever and I hope Asher inherits every one of those qualities.
(I am not just saying these things because I am his biggest fan, I honestly can’t think of a single person who wouldn’t back this up about him!)
Asher Clarkity Clark Wright
Hahah ok his middle name isn’t actually Clarkity Clark, but it would have been if Stephen got his way LOL). Asher will be 2 in a couple weeks and knows close to 200 english words & a few French words (he understands French and Haitian Creole). He can speak in 3-4 word sentences.
He has a favorite stuffed animal that he takes with him EVERYWHERE! I am not kidding when I say EVERYWHERE. I got it for him for $5 shortly after he turned 1 year old. I never would have thought it would have been his prized possession! He also named it himself too! Asher named him Agape, I don’t know how he came up with it or why. It just blows my mind, he was this one year old who understood the concept of naming, came up with a name all on his own, and would always refer to it as “Agape”! Needless to say Agape is a part of the family too.
We found out we were pregnant with Asher on Valentine’s Day! (Random fact, a few months into my pregnancy with Asher my voice changed. It got deeper and it never returned back to normal.. )
His favorite show for the past year has been Elmo’s World/Sesame Street. He was literally SOOOO obsessed with everything Elmo related. He knows all of the characters names and has all of the characters. We took him to Sesame Place in Philadelphia and honestly it must have been the closure he needed because now he has moved on HAHA. Stephen introduced him to a show called Little Bear (which Asher calls “The Burr”) and he loves naming the characters too. Of course he loves all of the Sesame Street characters still and his toys and the show, but it’s so funny listening to him request specific shows now haha.
He has the best personality ever. He can be naughty but he has the best apologies. When he knows he’s done something naughty he will come over and say “sowie” followed by “kiss” and then “hug” and will pat my back hahaha. He is SO charming; it honestly gets me every time!!! Hah I am a sucker, I know that lol.
Also, if you ever hear his counting slowly “one…. two… three” you better run to where ever he is cause he is about to jump off of something.. oh Lordy. LOL nothing like a mini heart attack to start off your day……
And there you have it! I hope you enjoyed reading it and getting to know us a little bit better <3
These photos were taken by Emilly Ziegler of photosbyemilly.com