Army Green OOTD!

Asher’s O.O.T.D, (outfit of the day), from a nice Fall day spent at one of my favorite gardens. I can’t believe how much he has grown since the Fall. His personality is showing so much in these pictures. This was even before he started daycare. In the past few months we have just watched his imagination completely take off, it’s so incredible. He speaks in full sentences; he still amazes us with the sentences he comes up with. He still does his little baby mumbles when he’s trying to tell a long extensive story though haha. I love listening to the dialogue between his toys when he is playing with them. I think my favorite thing is listening to him sing and watching him dance now. I am always telling him how great of a job he’s doing and how talented he is. My bestie Nyarie said I’m going to be one of those mom cheering their kid on at the American Idol competitions knowing damn well they are doing a terrible job LOL. Asher’s vocals are getting there okay, he will have the voice of an angel one day hahaha, to me he already does though. I also love listening to him recite the theme songs of his favorite shows or the openings to his favorite movies. So far his favorite movies have been “Trolls”, “Cars” and “Boss Baby”, all of which are okay in my book! The kid has good taste lol.
Stay Tuned for the next OOTD, this one has been brought to you by baby Gap & Vans shoes.